Preliminary Rounds - Match #7: Hei vs Kanade Tachibana

Round 1 – Supernatural Abilities
Hei, also goes by the alias of Li Shunshang, a good natured and timid Chinese exchange student handling everyday life as if it were normal, however underneath his soft exterior he takes the role as Hei, a Chinese assassin who is also a very skilled and powerful Contractor, a race of people who signed a contract to obtain incredible power with unusual terms and conditions that are applied, meaning the Contractor must pay a price through an unusual activity. However Hei is unlike other Contractors because in actuality he is a normal human, however he managed to fuse with his sister who was a full-fledged Contractor thus awarding his powers. This also means that Hei has no price to pay because of this granting him free access to his abilities. Kanade Tachibana was an average girl who one day suffered a terrible fate with death and eventually made her way to the Afterlife, a world where people go after they die. She is known around the Afterlife as Angel, an apprentice of God however this does not seem to be the case and begins a conflict with a group of the dead leading to a big misunderstanding.

Now their supernatural abilities are somewhat measured on a different scale, as Hei utilizes his powers in the real world while Kanade makes use of her powers in the Afterlife which can be very difficult to make a comparison. So in order for this to work I have decided to break the line between life and death and measure their powers in equal terms in one fictional dimension, so with that cleared up let us begin.

Hei being a Contractor allows him to possess the ability to generate and discharge electricity through a conductive media meaning that he cannot discharge this power through the air or concrete and must make contact with objects, however Hei uses this to his advantage as he carries with him an array of equipment including: a knife and wire, these weapons are very effective for him as he electrocutes enemies and is able to alter particles and molecules. He is able to strangle enemies with his wires and electrocute from a distance through the conductive effects of the wire, he is also skilled in hand to hand combat and is an amazing acrobat being able to perform backflips and aerial manoeuvres even without his Contractor abilities. Kanade’s abilities are very different to most Anime characters as her powers are artificial in nature and can be activated via voice command; each voice command has a unique and powerful ability that includes: hand sonic, a blade that can slice through hard steel, distortion, a shield that can deflect projectiles, harmonics, an ability that creates a clone of Kanade along with many others and her own skills in hand to hand combat, Kanade is very well indeed a formidable opponent. Her abilities are artificial as they originate from a program known as Angel Player, software that allows Kanade to create her own powers as self-defence.

After seeing these unique abilities from both Kanade and Hei, which character holds the advantage in supernatural ability? Personally I like Hei’s Contractor powers over Kanade’s Angel Player abilities mainly because of the sheer awesomeness and strategic use of his powers, but on a professional stand  point Kanade’s powers outweigh Hei’s by a considerable amount. First off the only thing Hei would need to do would be to touch Kanade in order to kill her, however seeing as though she is already dead this logic will not work. And with her projectile proof shield, sharp edge blade, and useful cloning abilities matched up against electricity alone, it’s easy to say that Kanade wins the match of supernatural abilities.

Round 2 – Contractor vs Angel Player
Not to be confused with the previous round, this round will be covering the overall effects and uses for a Contractor against the Angel Player program, first off a Contractor’s ability are most of the time always unique and powerful that can vary from deadly sound waves to exploding blood, however with the Contractor’s ability comes a price as all Contractors must pay a price for using their powers some can be eating a packet of cigarettes or even breaking your own fingers. But in spite of this price a Contractor is very difficult to fight let alone kill.

The Angel Player is a very good program that allows anyone to customise and create their own powers and abilities to use whilst in combat; Kanade uses this very effectively in her battles and has saved her on more than one occasion. But as overpowered and effective that this program may seem let me remind you that it is a type of software which means it can be hacked, others can hack the program and override abilities and effects that may have been placed but the current owner. Now with the price being the Contractor’s weakness and the risk of being hacked being the weakness of the Angel Player, I would have to say that the Contractor wins in this round because it is very easy for a Contractor to pay his price as he can perform this act where ever he is, however the Angel Player being a program can only be kept on a PC which means the owner would have to protect it in order for their powers to be intact, so for now the Contractors win this round.

Round 3 – 1v1 Situation
Scenario: Hei has been called by the Syndicate to engage in a new mission, it has appeared that the dead have risen and are attacking a small town in Japan and Hei must eliminate the situation. Hei then suits up as The Black Reaper and heads out. He arrives to a suburb but doesn’t find anything in particular and only notices the quiet within the town, all of a sudden a girl with flowing white hair appears in front of Hei, Hei is puzzled as to why she is the only person in the town. Hei then asks the girl for the whereabouts of the other residents, she simply replies by saying that they have all crossed over to the Afterlife, Hei then pieces that she attacked the town, Hei asks for her identity, she introduces herself as Kanade Tachibana, Kanade then explains she must collect souls the Afterlife to contain the NPC’s of her world. She then activates “hand sonic” and rushes towards Hei, Hei then quickly evades and pulls out his knife and wire and latches it to a nearby building, he then swings around the roof of the building and swings back to the ground. Hei is shocked and deduces that she must be a Contractor with a very unique ability, Kanade then pursues Hei, Hei throws his knife and wire to Kanade however she activates “distortion” and is able to deflect the knife away. However whilst she was distracted Hei then rushed to the back of her and attempted a sneak attack, however Kanade quickly notices this and activates “delay” and evades with her after image effect. She then reactivates “hand sonic” and clashes with Hei’s knife, back and forth they go until Kanade activates “sonic rotation” which produces a “hand sonic” with both arms and allows her to twirl around in rapid speed and attack anything within its vicinity.

Hei realizing he could be dead then latches his wire to a nearby lamp post that narrowly saves his life, Kanade then stops but unknowingly shuts off her defences and gives Hei a chance to go for the kill, he then throws his rope and wire and uses his electrical powers and shocks Kanade making her fall to the ground, however another Kanade appears out of nowhere and uses hand sonic to cut Hei’s arm, it is revealed that before Kanade stopped “sonic rotation” that she had quickly activated “harmonics” which creates a clone in her place as she hides nearby waiting to attack. Hei then realizes there is only one thing he can do, Hei and Kanade then fight once again with blade vs knife, Kanade then stabs Hei in the shoulder, Kanade then apologizes for killing Hei however Hei does not appear to be sad as instead he uses his electrical powers and shocks Kanade through her blade. Kanade then fades away back into the Afterlife, Hei rejoices knowing he had won returns to the Syndicate. 

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